Jason Ayers

Jim LaRoche

William Marinelli

Jim Thoburn

Susie Rataiczak


It is the purpose of Bellaire City Schools, in conjunction with the home and community, to provide the highest quality education for the students of the district.

We believe all children can learn and will acquire the knowledge to be proficient in their educational programs.

A learning climate will be maintained so that each student will grow and develop in a safe, inviting, cooperative and challenging environment that allows for individual differences.

The Board of Education, staff and community shall share with the parents and students the responsibility of accomplishing our purpose.

The Bellaire Board of Education meets the second Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Education Room at 340 34th Street, Bellaire, OH. Attendance is open and interested parties are cordially invited to attend.

The Board of Education, which consists of five elected citizens, appreciates your interest in our schools.

The Board meets regularly to consider reports and recommendations from the Superintendent and the Chief Financial Officer of the school district. THE BOARD’S PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITIES ARE TO SET POLICY FOR THE SCHOOLS, AND TO TAKE ACTIONS NEEDED TO ASSURE THAT SUCH POLICIES CAN BE IMPLEMENTED.

2022 Bellaire Board of Education