Big Reds,

    Lately, we have all been thinking about our back-to-school plans. I am pleased to share some exciting developments in the Bellaire Local School District. Along with our caring teachers and staff, we have built an administrative team that is committed to the success of our students and community. Our goal is to be accessible, approachable, and accountable to our parents, students, and staff. Please reach out to any of us with your questions, thoughts, and concerns.

 Amy Steele – Elementary Principal

Josh Kernik – Middle School Principal

Ben Doyle– High School Principal

Derek Ault – Special Education Director

Kellie Cusick – Director of Curriculum and Federal Programs

Derrick McAfee – Superintendent

While the COVID-19 pandemic continues, much thought and consideration has been given to our reopening plans. Our priority is always the safety of our students and staff. We want to provide an educational environment that is accessible and safe for all of our students. As of today, the state has not mandated face coverings inside school buildings. We have decided to follow suit and make mask-wearing optional.

  Although we aren’t mandating masks, we are still taking proactive measures to keep our students and staff safe.

  • We will continue to sanitize our buses and facilities with electrostatic disinfectant sprayers.

  • When possible, students will maintain social distance.

  • Hand sanitizing stations and signage with best practice for hygiene will be placed in each classroom.

  • We are in the process of installing a state-of-the-art HVAC system with Bipolar Ionization to aid in the filtration of viruses.

We were able to follow through with these projects thanks to the support of our community on the Permanent Improvement Levy, as well as federal COVID funds.

We are confident that we can have a safe and successful start to the 21-22 school year. The support our community has shown during these unprecedented times has been truly amazing. Please feel free to reach out to any of us with your questions. Go Big Reds!

P. Derrick McAfee