Let’s go Big Reds!
over 5 years ago, Belinda Vasey
It was awesome seeing our youngsters today— keep the #BEScheckin posts coming!
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
Mrs. Diomedi’s first graders first day of school! #BEScheckin
over 5 years ago, Courtney Diomedi
Mrs. Diomedi’s first graders on our first day of school!
I just wanted to say 'Thanks' for allowing me to ride along for the 5th opening day this morning.Our drivers do a great job transporting our students to and from school. Some of the places they take and turn those big yellow buses are amazing. Thank You for all that you do!
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
First day bus ride
Be sure to use #BEScheckin when posting your first day pictures
over 5 years ago, Ben Doyle
Kindergarten is ready for a year full of new adventures and learning! #BEScheckin
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
kindergarten hall
2nd grade teachers are ready to rock 2019! #BEScheckin
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
2nd grade teachers
Time to set your goals and crush them! See ya tomorrow third graders! #bescheckin #thirdgrade
over 5 years ago, Maggie Hendershot
Time to set your goals and crush them! See ya tomorrow third graders! #bescheckin #thirdgrade
The BES teachers & staff CANNOT wait to see all of our students tomorrow! It's going to be a great year! #BEScheckin
over 5 years ago, Tara Dodds
back to school meme
Back to school! We are very excited to see our First through Fourth graders tomorrow. See you soon, Big Reds! #BEScheckin
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
#BEScheckin first grade teachers are excited to start the school year!
over 5 years ago, Courtney Diomedi
Hey 4th graders! We are ready for you! See you tomorrow! #BEScheckin
over 5 years ago, Marci Quirk
4th Grade Hallway
Everyone please remember our school buses will be on the road early tomorrow morning picking up students. Let's please be careful on the first day of school.
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
school bus
Join us at our Elementary Open House on Thursday from 5pm-6:30pm
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
open house flyer
Join us at our upcoming open house!
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
bes open house
CLOTHING VOUCHERS INFO Bellaire Local Schools has submitted enrollment information to Belmont County Job & Family Services so that they can verify enrollment on the spot. Individual vouchers will no longer be completed at the Administration Office. Only new enrollment and special circumstance vouchers will be completed at the Administration Office.
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
Bellaire Local School District was honored by the Bellaire Women's Auxiliary as a community partner. Please join them on August 3nd at Nelson Field Parking Lot
over 5 years ago, Darren Jenkins
High School Artists Help Decorate Elementary School: The halls of Bellaire Elementary are dinosaur themed for Right to Read Week. The Bellaire High School Art Department pitched in by making dinosaur pictures for our third grade wing. Thanks for your help!
over 5 years ago, Bellaire Elementary
Bellaire Board of Education member John LaRoche was recently honored by the OSBA for his 10 years of service on the BOE.  
over 5 years ago, Ben Doyle