Our after school program has been canceled for today, Wednesday, December 11th. #LetsGoReds
3 months ago, Ben Doyle
Congratulations to this weeks Random Acts of Kindness winners for the week of October 14th-18th. Once again, THANK YOU to Mrs. Keller and PTO and Gulla's for providing a great lunch for our students. 5th Grade Roxanne Rumskey 6th Grade Ray'Asia Pettigrew 7th Grade Ethan Adams 8th Grade Lance Diehl #makinghopehappen
5 months ago, Josh Kernik
Bellaire Middle School would like to extend our congratulations to our 5th grade Student of the Month, Carl Baller.
5 months ago, Josh Kernik
Bellaire Middle School would like to extend our congratulations to our 5th grade Student of the Month, Emmi Blon.
5 months ago, Heidi Matis
Bellaire Middle School would like to extend our congratulations to our 6th grade Student of the Month, Jeremiah Hodges.
5 months ago, Heidi Matis
Bellaire Middle School would like to extend our congratulations to our 7th grade Student of the Month, Carter Streshenkoff.
5 months ago, Heidi Matis
Events for Bellaire Middle School.
5 months ago, Josh Kernik
There will be an upcoming Vaccine Student Clinic on Wednesday, October 9th. Please see the attached information. If you decide that you want your child to receive the necessary vaccines please call the office or send your child to the office and we will print the permission form. Please act fast because the permission slip must be returned a couple days prior to the clinic.
5 months ago, Heidi Matis
Events for Bellaire Middle School this week.
5 months ago, Josh Kernik
Events for Bellaire Middle School this week. #makinghopehappen
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
The class of 2029 will be holding a Jersey Dance at Bellaire Middle School Friday, September 27th from 7 to 9. It is open to all BMS 7th and 8th graders.
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
Events for Bellaire Middle School this week.
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
Just 1 more week to get your forms in for cheer camp! #LetsGoReds
6 months ago, Michelle Maffe
cheer form
These are the events for Bellaire Middle School this week. #makinghopehappen
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
Congrats to Corbin Weeks and Caden Alloway for creating the most aerodynamic vehicle in Mr. Arno's STEM class. Their vehicle traveled an amazing 47 feet. Great Job Big Reds!#makinghopehappen #letsgoreds
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
Drug Free Cards are going out today at Bellaire Middle School. These cards will give any student that has signed up for the Drug Free Club free admittance into any home sporting event at Bellaire Local Schools. Students that have not signed up yet or students that have not turned in the required paperwork can see Mrs. Padgett at school. #makinghopehappen
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
Here are this weeks events for Bellaire Middle School. #makinghopehappen
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
Create Our Future, PNC Bank, and The Belmont County Community Improvement Corporation are sponsoring a county wide essay contest! Essay criteria and instructions are provided in the flyer. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes for each level! Contact Ms. Marshall via e-mail at amarshall@bellairesd.org for more information. #MakingHopeHappen
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
Here are the events for Bellaire Middle School this week. #makinghopehappen
6 months ago, Josh Kernik
The Biggest Big Red has been crowned at Bellaire Middle School. Congratulations to Ashlynn Dierkes on being selected as the Biggest Big Red. Congrats also goes out to the students selected from each grade level for the finals. Belmont Savings Bank presented Ashlynn with a 100 dollar Amazon gift card. Thank you Belmont Savings Bank! Go Big Reds!!! #makinghopehappen
7 months ago, Josh Kernik