BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Mare Young, Substitute Teacher (Also featured - Noah 💙) ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Mare Young, Substitute Teacher ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Kevin Schmidli, 6th Grade Resource ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Kevin Schmidli, 6th Grade Resource ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. John Patrone, 6th Grade Social Studies ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. John Patrone, 6th Grade Social Studies ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Ms. Erica Shallcross-Salva, 6th Grade ELA ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Ms. Erica Shallcross-Salva, 6th Grade ELA ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Casey Davis, 6th Grade Math ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Casey Davis, 6th Grade Math ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Coach Arno, 6th Grade Science (Also featured - Sutton💕)❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Coach Arno, 6th Grade Science (Also featured - Sutton💕)❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Jennifer Kaczor, TAG ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Jennifer Kaczor, TAG ❤️🖤
Thank you to NAMI Greater Wheeling for visiting BMS today to teach our students coping strategies! Our students were feeling cozy in their pajamas for BMS Mental Health Awareness Week.💚 #EndTheStigma #MentalHealthAwareness
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
Our 5th & 6th grade students will be attending BMS Fun at the Field Health Fair this Friday, May 10, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We will have many community partners join us. Parents/guardians are welcome to join us for this event. Please see the attached flyer or reach out to for more information. ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
fun at the field
BMS Mental Health Awareness Week - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - Matching Day - Dress like a friend or group to show that mental health disorders are common and that you are not alone. ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Mental Health Awareness Week - Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - Matching Day - Dress like a friend or group to show that mental health disorders are common and that you are not alone. ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Leigh Ann Pfalzgraf, 5th Grade Aide ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Leigh Ann Pfalzgraf, 5th Grade Aide ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Bailey McGrath, 5th Grade Resource ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Bailey McGrath, 5th Grade Resource ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Robin Nolan, 5th Grade Science ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Robin Nolan, 5th Grade Science ❤️🖤
BMS Krispy Kreme Fundraiser! This is a flash sale and order forms will go home tomorrow! Orders are due by Friday, May 10, 2024! and students can earn a frosty treat from a local food truck if they sell at least 10 boxes. ❤️🖤🍩❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Krispy Kreme Fundraiser!  This is a flash sale and order forms will go home tomorrow! Orders are due by Friday, May 10, 2024! and students can earn a frosty treat from a local food truck if they sell at least 10 boxes. ❤️🖤🍩❤️🖤
BMS Krispy Kreme Fundraiser!  This is a flash sale and order forms will go home tomorrow! Orders are due by Friday, May 10, 2024! and students can earn a frosty treat from a local food truck if they sell at least 10 boxes. ❤️🖤🍩❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Erica Miller, 5th Grade Math ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Erica Miller, 5th Grade Math ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Tracie Hughes, 5th Grade ELA ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Tracie Hughes, 5th Grade ELA ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Brea Call, 5-8 MH Aide ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Brea Call, 5-8 MH Aide ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Jennie Hubbard, 5-8 MH ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mrs. Jennie Hubbard, 5-8 MH ❤️🖤
BMS Mental Health Awareness Week: Monday, May 6, 2024 is Mellow Monday - Wear PJs and be comfortable! ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Mental Health Awareness Week: Monday, May 6, 2024 is Mellow Monday - Wear PJs and be comfortable! ❤️🖤
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Tom Baltzell, Substitute Teacher & Mrs. B’s husband! ❤️🖤
7 months ago, Jennifer Berdine
BMS Staff Spotlight - Mr. Tom Baltzell, Substitute Teacher & Mrs. B’s husband!  ❤️🖤