BMS Upcoming Events December 2022! ❤️🖤
Our cheerleaders were practicing their cheers for the beginning of basketball season this week!
❤️🖤🏀🖤❤️ #GoBigReds
BMS Fundraiser Field Trip to the Highlands Sports Complex ❤️🖤
BMS 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball Schedule 2022-2023 Season ❤️🖤🏀🖤❤️
BMS 7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball Schedule 2022-2023 Season ❤️🖤🏀🖤❤️
An awesome picture of Spike, the Wheeling Nailers mascot, with Mrs. Cline, our band director, at the Wheeling Christmas Parade tonight! ❤️🖤
The Pride of Bellaire Local Schools, the Bellaire Marching Band, poses with the Wheeling Nailers mascot, Spike, at the Wheeling Christmas Parade this evening! ❤️🖤
BMS Random Acts of Kindness winners for the week of November 14 - 18 are:
5th Grade - Sophia LaRoche
6th Grade - Makenzie Warner
7th Grade - J.J. Coleman
8th Grade - Emma Watson (Not Pictured)
Thank you to our school counselor, Miss Lauren Doyle, and our student services social worker, Miss Lyndsay Shankle, for creating a kindness campaign this week at school. Our students has the opportunity to write ways to be kind, write thank you letters to our staff members, and attend a bullying lesson during flex today! ❤️🖤
Mrs Nolan’s STEM class created homemade burglar alarms! ❤️🖤🚨🖤❤️
Bellaire Middle School would like to take a moment to thank Bishop Michael Tolliver and his wife, Pastor Patricia Tolliver. Bishop Tolliver is the BHS Athletic Chaplain and he and his wife, Pastor Patricia, are two quiet heroes who do amazing things to help the Bellaire community through their acts of service to the citizens of Bellaire. We are thankful to both of you!
AHA Thanksgiving Dinner (Part 3 of 3)
AHA Thanksgiving Dinner (Part 2 of 3)
AHA Thanksgiving Dinner (Part 1 of 3)
A great time was had by all at our AHA Thanksgiving Dinner! ❤️🖤❤️
BMS 8th Grade Student of the Month is Aubree Hines! She will be recognized at the Bellaire Local Schools Board of Education Meeting on November 22 at 5:00 p.m. at Bellaire High School. Her 8th grade teachers write that, "Aubree is a straight-A student and is very respectful to all adults. She always volunteers to participate in class and is a hard-worker. Aubree always has a smile for everyone." We are proud of you, Aubree! ❤️🖤
BMS 7th Grade Student of the Month is Camdyn Miller! He will be recognized at the Bellaire Local Schools Board of Education Meeting on November 22 at 5:00 p.m. at Bellaire High School. His 7th grade teachers write that, "Camdyn Miller is a model student. He is well liked by his peers. Camdyn is a student athlete who played football. He always has work correctly completed and is very responsible." Great job, Camdyn! ❤️🖤
BMS 6th Grade Student of the Month is Dalton Coleman! He will be recognized at the Bellaire Local Schools Board of Education Meeting on November 22 at 5:00 p.m. at Bellaire High School. His 6th grade teachers write that, "Dalton comes to class prepared and ready to work every day. He always makes sure his work is done correctly. Dalton helps other students when they are struggling. He is always kind and just an all-around great person." Congratulations, Dalton! ❤️🖤
BMS 5th Grade Student of the Month is Carter Streshenkoff! He will be recognized at the Bellaire Local Schools Board of Education Meeting on November 22 at 5:00 p.m. at Bellaire High School. His 5th grade teachers write that, "Carter is an excellent 5th grade student and he is a pleasure to have in class. He is always prepared for class and we can depend on him to do his work. Carter is very kind to everyone and very helpful." Way to go, Carter! ❤️🖤
Our student council met today and decided our daily themes for BMS Christmas Spirit Week 2022! ❤️🎄❤️